Tuesday, May 11, 2010

God promised not to destroy any entire planets containing gay marriage allowing states named Iowa by flood?

so what sort of divine retribution do you think is coming?God promised not to destroy any entire planets containing gay marriage allowing states named Iowa by flood?
And where is that in scripture??God promised not to destroy any entire planets containing gay marriage allowing states named Iowa by flood?
Obviously you aren't as intelligent as you would like others to believe. There is no ';divine retribution'; because of gay marriage. Look at all the other countries that have allowed it for years! Nothing bad happened, the world didn't end, the sky didn't fall.

Okay, seriously, if you're as intelligent as you claim to be, you'd know that the Bible was translated wrongly! Yes, just like in English other languages have words that mean the same thing as well. For instance, stating Jesus was a carpenter when in fact the word used for carpenter was the same word as a person that worked with their hands. Most likely Jesus was a mason--a person that worked with stone.

And as for the homosexual part in the Bible, that was translated wrong too. The Sodom and Gomorrah story that you people like to spout out didn't mean homosexuality at all! Furthermore, in the same book that Christians like to claim states homosexuality is an abomination, it also states it's an abomination to eat shellfish, to wear two different fabrics at the same time, and it's also an abomination for a man to touch--let alone--sleep in a bed that his wife has slept in while being on her period.

So you see, people are picking and choosing what they want. You don't see Christians burning down their local Red Lobster. Also, the homosexual part in the Bible was translated wrongly. In fact, there is gay marriage in the Bible! WOW! Bet you didn't know that did you. There are two instances--and they are positive ones too! One marriage was between David and Jonathan--they had a covenant (the same word used for marriage in all the other stories in the Bible that include marriage).

Perhaps you should look deeper into your beliefs and realize that this information is known--an often times kept secret--in most churches!

Also, it wasn't that long ago that deaf people were considered to be from the devil, but because of science we know that not to be true. Yes, deaf people were honestly thought to be bad people, but now we know that's not the case. Perhaps you should learn a thing or two about your beliefs and your God. Also, it does state in the Bible that you aren't to judge other people, but I don't think you're following that very well. In addition, I'm sure you enjoy shellfish--or at least pork as you shouldn't eat that either according to the Bible--and I'm sure you are probably wearing two different types of fabrics at the same time!
Avatars named after songs about fictional cats from extinct TV sitcoms will be struck by lightning and forever banished from the earth.

Pistachios will be recalled from supermarkets.

This means you, Herbie, and I really mean it.

North Korea has rockets on the launch pad and I'm answering this?

Where did I go wrong?
let me see in my looking glass. radiation blocking the suns energy with great storms, mats developing wings.

but scarry asking the matrix he sais if 1 billion computers make sure every planet (all) have gay marriages he will make sure god keeps his promise after your finished 1 billion computers have to make sure god does until then.

basically if you ask me its a fare deal but your royally blued screwed and tatood

this is the positive i see from this deal though let no one say a positive can be found by a mat deal

it could represent a basic balanced structure of some distance/ and weight of the mats. this is important because this is one of many deals. all you need to focus on right know is this one to fight unrealistic deals since africa days. actually as i understand it this page is in very high demand and should be rewarded handsomely because this also effects humans. at first you may play god and want this form of control for yourselves my looking glass lol sais error

in short if you wait to long the government as i understand are on standby alert while reading what i am typing

its similar to a confuses sais question write a book and sell it on ebay titled phalse gavernment standby comedy
God will not destroy the entire planet. The earth will be here forever. Many of the pople on it, however, will be gone.

The U.S. is becoming more and more like Sodom and Gomorrah. The Judgment of God will be coming soon. It is called the tribulation. He has already lifted His hand of protection from this country in many areas. Fires in California, floods in other places etc. Weather patterns are changing and not for the better.

As you see the church, banks and governments become more globalized into the New world order as spoken of in the Bible you know that it won't be long when God will evacuate His people as He did Noah and Lot and then look out. Here is how it works.

68 Post Rapture Events

all in Revelation unless otherwise stated

The things which shall be “hereafter” after the churches or after the rapture(Rev. 4:1-22:5) The heavenly temple..raptured saints with God.Rev. 4:1-5:14)

1. 1st Seal: rise of the antichrist 6:1

2. 2nd Seal: war 6:3-4

3. 3rd Seal: famine 6:5-6

4. 4th Seal: death and hell 6:7-8

5. 5th Seal: 1st Martyrs 6:9-11

6. 6th Seal: Wrath of God 6:12-17

7. 144,000 Jews sealed 7:1-8

8. The tribulation martyrs worship and praise 7:9-17

9. 7th Seal: silence in heaven 8:1

10. 7 angels given 7 trumpets 8:2

11. Priestly angels ministers 8:3-5

12. 7 angels prepare to sound 8:6

13. 1st Trumpet: hail, fire, blood 8:7

14. 2nd Trumpet: sea to blood 8:8-9

15. 3rd Trumpet: waters poisoned (comet or meteor) 8:10-11

16. 4th Trumpet: Planet darkened 8:12

17. Angel announces 3 woes.

18. 5th Trumpet 1st woe: loosing of demons to torment men. 9:1-12

19. 6th Trumpet 2nd woe: Loosing of 2 million demons to slay 1/3 of men. 9:13-21

20. Temple and City defiled 11:1-2

21. Two witnesses appear on earth 11:3-12

22. Great earthquake in Jerusalem 11:13

23. 7th Trumpet: announcements 11:15-18

24. Heavenly temple opened 11:19

25. Sun clothed woman travails 12:1-2

26. Dragon attacks the man child 12: 3-4

27. Man child caught up to heaven 12:5

28. The woman (Israel) flees for 3 ½ years 12:6

29. War in heaven 12:7-12

30. Satan attacks the woman 12:13-16

31. Satan attacks the remnant 12:17

32. Beast out of sea: antichrist given power over nations 13:1-10, 18

33. Beast out of the earth: false prophet begins beast worship 13: 11-17

34. The 144,000 Jews, the man child, presented to God 14:1-5

35. Everlasting gospel preached by an angel 14:6-7

36. Fall of mystery Babylon announced by angel 14:8

37. Doom of beast worshippers announced by an angel 14:9-12

38. Blessings to martyrs announced 14:13

39. Harvest: Armageddon 14:14-16

40. Vintage: Armageddon 14:17-20

41. 7 Vial judgments prepared 15:1, 6-7

42. Tribulation martyrs worship 15:2-4

43. Heavenly tabernacle opened 15:5-16-1

44. 1st Vial: Sores on men 16:2

45. 2nd Vial: Sea to blood 16:3

46. 3rd Vial: Rivers to blood 16:4-7

47. 4th Vial: Great heat 16:8-9

48. 5th Vial: Darkness 16: 10-11

49. 6th Vial: Euphrates dried up 16:12

50. 3 Unclean spirits: mobilization of nations to Armageddon 16:13-16

51. 7th Vial Great Earthquake….Babylon (probably Vatican Rome) and other cities destroyed 16:17-21 18:1-24

52. Kings of the earth commit fornication with the great whore 17:1-5

53. Great whore martyrs saints 17:15-18

54. 8th Kingdom formed 17:8-13

55. War on the Lamb 17:14

56. War on the Great whore 17:15-18

57. Marriage of the Lamb 19:1-10

58. 2nd Advent of Christ 19:11-16

59. Angels invitation to birds 19:17-18

60. Battle of Armageddon 19:19-21

61. Binding of Satan 20:1-3

62. 1st Resurrection completed: Millennial reign of Christ begins 20:4-6

63. Satan loosed on earth 20:7

64. The last rebellion on earth 20:8-9

65. Satan sent to hell 20:10

66. Second judgment of the wicked dead…Great White Throne…20:11-15

67. New Heaven and Earth: Curse removed and paradise restored as before the fall of man 21:1, 3-8

68. God’s capital city, New Jerusalem descends to earth 21:2, 9:23
God will allow strong delusions to come up those who are in rebellion against His word, His Christ and his Holy Spirit...They shall believe lies and falsehoods and they will surrender their will over to the coming Antichrist who will give them their way for a season and then sudden destruction shall come upon them and there shall be no escape..
Someones word of mouth is not enough for me unless i know them and i know they stick by their word!!!!

Never trust anyone

They shall believe lies and falsehoods and they will surrender their will over to the coming Antichrist who will give them their way for a season and then sudden destruction shall come upon them and there shall be no escape..
After Noah's flood God promised not to ever flood or destroy the world again. God had sent his son into the world to testify he is the savior and that man kind needs a savior. God wont destroy the world, but man kind will. Jesus will return for his people, then towards the end to stop the battle of Armageddon.
None. I find it interesting that when a natural disaster destroys or damages a place some see as sinful (New Orleans) it's seen as an act of God, but when the tornado wiped out Greensburg, KS it wasn't viewed that way.
I wonder what book you got that nonsense from. The Bible? I certainly aint read all that quote you mentioned, that God 'said that' in there.
Zombie Abraham Lincoln.
Wow, this is a whole new level of ignorance.


Not Flood, next time Fire.
Gnashing of teeth. Give it time.
Ohh It hasn't even Started yet, This stuff ? is only the beginning
why do you ask?

According to the Bible writers a positive sign of the return of Jesus Christ that hardly any Christian is willing to discuss is the FULL AND UNCONDITIONAL RESTORATION OF SODOM to the way that it was before it was destroyed! Preachers are PROMOTING HOMOPHOBIA on their own initiative! Some of them are coward gays in the closet like the Reverend Ted Haggard the US NATIONAL RELIGIOUS ADVISER to President Bush on Christian issues!

God did realize that he made a mistake in dropping the bomb on Sodom. GOD MADE A SWORN STATEMENT THAT HE WILL RESTORE SODOM THE WAY IT WAS...!!!

Ezekiel 16:[48-49], [53], [55] (NIV) [48-49] As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, your sister Sodom and her daughters never did what you* (*what JERUSALEM did! Most Christians refuse to agree with God that JERUSALEM IS FAR MORE SINFUL THAN SODOM EVER WAS...! If I were a real Holy Joe looking for a place to live, I would pick Sodom over Jerusalem! And have Righteous Lot and his daughters for neighbors!) and your daughters have done. ”Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom* (*Christian bigots ought to read the Bible more carefully to find out what was wrong with Sodom!): She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy...* (*Neither God the Father nor his Son Jesus Christ EVER MENTIONED THAT THE SIN OF SODOM was homosexuality! Jesus is making favorable statements about SODOM all along --Mat 10:15, 11:24, Mar 6:11, Luc 10:12) [53] ';However, I* (*God) WILL RESTORE the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters and of Samaria and her daughters, and your fortunes along with them… [55] And your sisters, SODOM with her daughters and Samaria with her daughters, WILL RETURN TO WHAT THEY WERE BEFORE* (*this is an UNCONDITIONAL RESTORATION of Sodom!); and you and your daughters will return to what you were before* (*repentance means to regret what anybody did before and CHANGE, but there is no repentance implied in this full context here! So the Sodomites didn’t do anything wrong! Sodomy is not the sin of Sodom, but careless living!).

Jeremiah 13:23 (KJV) Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?...

NEVER (at least not yet…!) So Jesus never ever tried to change a homosexual or a lesbian into a heterosexual. So the gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and so on HAVE NO WAY TO CHANGE AT ALL! Ask the Reverend Ted Haggard! The Jewish Bible writers admit that Jerusalem is far more “sinful” than Sodom ever was! Christians traditionally refuse to believe what GOD says in favor of gays! They feel comfortable with Saint Paul’s slimy hatred to all kinds of people including women and slaves!

According to the Bible writers the full restoration of SODOM must be taking place right now before the 2nd coming of Jesus! So there is nothing wrong with gays and the same sex marriage issue that we hear today…!!! Christians are passionately AGAINST the fulfillment of Bible prophecies that they don’t like. The old Sodomites were much holier and far more respectful of women than Righteous Lot was. Lot pledged his young virgin daughters to be married to heterosexual SODOMITES. Sodomites were citizens of Sodom not necessarily people enjoying anal sex like the Christians claim! They believed in virgin “purity” until marriage! (Gen 19:14) It was Righteous Lot who took away his own virgin daughters from their heterosexual Sodomite fiances to give them away to some gays looking for the male visitors who came to visit Lot. Actually these Heavenly “visitors” didn’t come looking for Lot at all! They INSISTED on spending the night out in the main street of Sodom NOT AT ALL at Lot’s pad! (Gen 19:2-3) They obviously knew where the action in Sodom was and they wanted to spend the night in the middle of it, but Lot wanted them for himself! Abraham never told them that his nephew Lot lived in Sodom at all (Gen 19:12)! The New Testament writers and editors didn’t pay attention to GOD or Jesus about what really happened in Sodom! Anyway, Sodom was destroyed.

The Bible writers say that Lot’s young virgin daughters knew how to ferment good wine to spice up some sex parties with their daddy Lot until HE GOT THEM PREGNANT! God didn’t send Lot to jail, but he was so impressed with his sexual performance that he called him a RIGHTEOUS MAN throughout the Bible! (2 Pet 2:7-8) Lot was a legal resident of Sodom. The angels of God got him and his whole family out of Sodom before it was destroyed! Lot escaped by accident! Christian dishonesty in telling the Bible story of Sodom is a sham and now the gays are paying the price! There is no trace of evidence from any other source outside of the Bible that Sodom and Gomorrah ever existed, either but what the heck! The Preachers hurt and persecute the gay community out of sheer bigotry! Now, they are preventing the fulfillment of Bible prophecies about the FULL RESTORATION of Sodom! Hey, let’s give the Bible God a chance! It is all in the BIBLE! It won’t be long before the Clergy and Preachers will wise up to monitor the morality of same sex marriages and of the ladies in desperate need of a decent abortion, NOT the Bible stoning to death of adulterous and promiscuous women even with a fetus in their womb!

The Book of Revelation in the Bible ends up with the statement that Jesus will be surrounded FOR ALL ETERNITY by 144,000 virgin Jewish guys WHO WERE NEVER DEFILED WITH WOMEN!!! It doesn’t mean that they were not involved in sexual activities among themselves! BUT THEY NEVER TOUCHED A WOMAN! Men in the South display bumper stickers declaring “Real Men Love Jesus, Too!” They are looking forward to the day that they will be married to Jesus in their much expected “MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB” deal in Revelation! Marrying a “Lamb” can be a lot of fun for some kinky guys! So why oppose same sex marriage now of real people loving each other? Same sex marriage in the Bible is perfectly OK!

Revelation (KJV) 19:7 Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb* (*Jesus Christ) is come, and his wife* (*the male and female Christians of the right Church brand) hath made herself ready.

Revelation 14:4 (KJV) These*(144,000 virgin Jewish guys) are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb* (*a very submissive one, for sure!).

Any Christian man wanting to get near Jesus in Heaven must elbow himself in through a lot of virgin Jewish guys… and the Christian ladies must be very careful not to touch any of them! There is NO REFERENCE WHATSOEVER in the whole Bible about “Virgin” females or even nuns near Jesus! The nunnery idea was developed by the Early Church Fathers to satisfy a masochistic religious fetish that is in style even today!

The Apocalyptic Revelation of Jesus Christ for the “Last Days” says a lot about Jesus’ sexual orientation! Jesus never accused the homosexuals of anything! In fact he highly favored them over the Jews!

Matthew 11:24 (NIV) But I tell you that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the Day of Judgment than for you.';* (*A real judge would never disclose the outcome of any court procedure, but what the heck!)

Jesus is demonstrating to have much more love and favoritism for the gays and Lesbians than for his own Jewish people! God the Holy Ghost inspired Jesus to make statements favoring the Sodomites over the Jews! Of the New Testament writers Saint Paul, Saint Peter, Saint Jude AND MOST PREACHERS TODAY are the only ones disagreeing with Jesus and God about the Sodomite issue!

Jesus also stated that even the PROSTITUTES…not ex-prostitutes, but active prostitutes will enter his Kingdom ahead of the Jews!

Matthew 21:31b * Jesus said to them, ';I tell you the truth, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you* (*the Jews. They don’t mind to let the whores get in first so they will be there when they get there! The NT was obviously put together by some wanking anti-Semitic oriented writers, or wasn’t it?).

Luke 15:30 * But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!'* (*a big time Playboy guy in the Bible gets no reprimand at all, but he is celebrated for sharing his inheritance money with prostitutes!)

Rahab is the greatest example of them all! She will never lose her GOD GIVEN license of “RIGHTEOUS PROSTITUTE” for eternity! Heaven won’t be that boring after all..!!! Sex is so fulfilling when you do it with a RIGHTEOUS PROSTITUTE...!!! Jimmy Swaggart didn’t pick the right one and he was caught!

Hebrews 11:31* (The LIST OF HOLY PEOPLE) (KJV) By faith the PROSTITUTE* (*not ex-prostitute, but prostitute) Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient.

James 2:25 (KJV) In the same way, was not even Rahab the PROSTITUTE* (*not the ex-prostitute, but the prostitute!) considered RIGHTEOUS for what she did when SHE GAVE LODGING* (*Bible key code word for sex in bed) to the spies and sent them off in a different direction (Joshua 2 and 6).

The Bible teaches that a God fearing gorgeous girl should always be available to spend some time in bed with Godly spies! Rahab was eagerly waiting for some sweet Jesus loving customers all the time! So if you have a choice of favoring a prostitute, a Sodomite (gay or lesbian), or a Jew… which one would you choose??? Hint: WWJD™? IT IS ALL IN THE BIBLE FOR THE WORLD TO READ…! Now the Pope is against the use of condoms for HIV prevention…!!! How evil can religion get even today?
Ever heard of Hell?

Lake Of Fire?

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