Thursday, May 13, 2010

OK nice people of yahoo would you rather save yourself till marriage?

Would you rather save yourself till marriage (not for any religion purposes or anything like that) just as a self respect act and a act of showing respect to your significant other. I know I would how many think it is a good moral or idea to do that? Thanks and be honest please.OK nice people of yahoo would you rather save yourself till marriage?
Yes,I'm in my thirties and still saving it.If it's a turn off for the guys ,oh well.It's not like you have a disease to give them.If a person can't respect you,you have to respect yourself,who else is going to do that for you.Stick to your morals and don't let people be mean to you.They have to me and the more they are the better and stronger it makes me.Hope this helps!OK nice people of yahoo would you rather save yourself till marriage?
not necessarily til marriage, but i'm definitely waiting til i find the right person. i also would have to willing to handle the possible consequences and the other person would too. I'm not about to have sex with someone, risk getting pregnant and then him leave.
yes, it is morally right, but as for me its as much a religious reason as a personal reason. I only want to give that special part away to my husband on our wedding night...think of how special, how romantic, how sweet that would be to share that together.
I don't want to save myself for marriage because I have no idea when that's going to be and I don't even know if i ever will get married due to my sexuality

i'm a christian so that's what i believe plus the respect thing. gurls don't need to be given there self's away like their not special or somthing!
yeah. totally. religion and other stuff

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