Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Why do people falsely believe that republicans oppose same sex marriage and abortion?

When in reality, they just oppose a federal law about it and want it left up to the states?Why do people falsely believe that republicans oppose same sex marriage and abortion?
You are correct!

EACH state needs to have jurisdiction to decide, that way there is options, Abortion will never be totally outlawed, but to limit the LATE TERM ABORTIONS even PROCHOICERS agree that 36 weeks to have an ELECTIVE ABORTION is too late!

McCain said a ';unity'; between people as defined by law should be up to the states to decide!

Great question!Why do people falsely believe that republicans oppose same sex marriage and abortion?
awesome distinction

I would add that while we want it left up to the states, we probably do need a national policy on same sex marriage

only because if you start allowing it in one state, and then gay couples get married in that state, then move to another state where it's not allowed, there's going to be a problem

however, the BIGGEST problem with both of these issues is that the judicial branch of govt. has shoved its way in, demanding a seat at the table, deciding what laws should be enacted rather than what laws are not in line with the constitution. There's going to be hell to pay if the voters of California pass a state constitutional admendment banning gay marriage after the state court of CA said it must happen...then when the court was petitioned to stay its decision until AFTER the people could decide, it refused. Well if this admendment passes, what will they do next? They can't declare a constitutional admendment unconstitutional...lol what a mess and all because some judge decided it should be so

The people should be left to decide, that's why we have elections
There are many things that should be left up to the states. But the states love that federal money so the feds pretty much tell them what they can do with it. I oppose same sex marriage, it isn't discrimination not to allow it. If it is then you will be having brother %26amp; sister, sister %26amp; sister %26amp;brother %26amp; brother wanting to get married for the tax benifits %26amp; insurance, would that be ok too. You say no? Isn't that discriminatin also? We should follow the constitution, that is what this country was founded on. It has been changed so much that the original document doesn't even exist anymore.
If that's the case, then why have many Republicans supported a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. If it's all about the state's rights to choose, then why didn't the Republican party support the rights of Massachusettes and California when they decided to allow gay marriages?

What a sad day it will be if such a great document as the Constitution is sullied by a mind-blowingly stupid amendment.
Sorry to burst your bubble but as a republican most of us don't agree with same sex marriage.

As for abortion it's typically agreed that if the pregnancy is harmful or the woman was raped it should be allowed, not because it is convenient.

The Republicans have pushed for Constitutional amendments to declare that marriage is between a man and a woman, and to declare that life begins at conception.
I guess some don't oppose it, but I know some who do oppose it--regardless of whether it's at the state or federal level. Gay marriage and abortion don't really affect me personally so why do I care?
I am a republican or I guess a better term is an Conservative and I am not afraid to stand up and say I am definitely against same sex marriage and abortion!! as are many others that count them self's members of this group I would say
yeah, sure. Like the majority of the rednecks feel that way? Most of them don't even know what that means.
Because so many of them have said so quite unequivocally on so many occasions that it just seems silly to believe anything else.
Probably because so many Republicans rail against same sex marriage and abortion.
I have seen many Republican politicians in trouble because of gay solicitation
Democrats often operate on using only generalizations and labels to challenge those with whom they disagree.
Republicans DO oppose these things. What you say may be what they are trying to do, but they nevertheless oppose it.
Take a look at Mike Huckabee.

Then come back and ask the question.

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