Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is marijuana a good way to fix a broken marriage?

Most problems in marriage arise from the woman whining and crying about senseless stuff. You know making a big deal out of nothing simply because it's in woman's nature to stir up drama.

A little bit of weed would make the b!ch chill out.Is marijuana a good way to fix a broken marriage?
YESas we hippies like to say back in the old days , '; With dope theres Hope , with booze you lose ';Is marijuana a good way to fix a broken marriage?
I love the way pot mellows me out, but most of my problems stem from the fact that my husband is a sissy. Sometimes guys need to try to see it from a woman's point of view. Seriously, how many times do women get a thank you for raising children, cleaning house, etc. Maybe she just wants some attention.
The only thing weed will do for a marriage is cause it to fall apart entirely too quickly . Nothing good comes from smoking weed . I know that all you teens think you are invincible and can handle anything , but trust me on this one , you can not handle the use of marijuana use frequently
Not a solution at all. I'm sure that it's not just the woman whining about nothing that causes marital issues. There's go to be something there to pose problems, like smoking weed, you idiot. Maybe if you kept your head down here on Earth, you could see your own faults through the smoke.
My guy and I tried it. For a long time. Then one day we woke up and realized we don't know who we are, or whom the other is either. We are now separated. Marijuana is nothing but a smokescreen. And you'll be in a fog until you wake up to realize it's over.
If it didn't fix my broken relationship it certainly wouldn't fix a marriage. Try counseling instead.
Nope, it seems like she wants to get pregnant, and due to your mary jane habit, you're shooting blanks. Thus the whining and drama-stiring. Lay off the dope and give her what she wants!
I think it would be in your case. Then she could call the law on you and get you out of the house for a while.
I think your marriage is part of your marijuana induced hallucinations. You aren't really married. The nagging is the tv you leave on all night
Maybe if you took some speed you would get up off the couch and attend to your woman and then she wouldn't feel the need to complain...
Or the man is so wrapped up and into himself that he ignores and takes advantage of the wife-but I digress-it might just make her paranoid wouldn't that be fun!
It would help temporarily. If she is that high strung no ammount can help her. in fact the aftermath would make her worst. good luck
No. Not good. And you have a very negative and abusive attitude toward women. You are the problem, not your woman.
no,it cant help,and maybe if all men learn how to listen ,we will not be whining and crying about senseless stuff.
yep....give her a doobie. Maybe then she could stomach you and put up with your narcissistic personality disorder!
yea man, you guys will see your relationship way clearer!

and think of things you orignally wouldnt have thought of if you werent high!!! lol
It is illegal where I live, if you think going to jail/prison will fix your marriage... then sure.
There is nothing that can't be fixed with some weed...

Just kidding...
Give it a shot.
Nope, it isn't a good way.
lol no,

all it does is prolong and hides real issues.
hmmm.. yeah I think your right, she might need drugs to put up with you!
yes! sure cant hurt
well let me ask u this...what is weed going to do 4 u?fix the marriage?
yes absolutely weed is the answer,
















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