Sunday, May 9, 2010

What did voters in California do in November, 2008, after the State Supreme Court had legalized gay marriage?

What did voters in California do in November, 2008, after the State Supreme Court had legalized gay marriage? What did voters in California do in November, 2008, after the State Supreme Court had legalized gay marriage?
We went to Disneyland What did voters in California do in November, 2008, after the State Supreme Court had legalized gay marriage?
They voted, as many other states have, on the civil rights of other citizens. The only upshot for gay people is that this provides a perfect platform for getting this issue to the USSC. The Supremes don't like it at all when citizens think that all they need is a majority to suppress the civil rights of other citizens. They rule by the Constitution and the Constitution doesn't allow for that, by any stretch of the imagination. One of the kickers is that in 1967 the USSC ruled that marriage was a civil right - and not just for heterosexuals. For those of us who feel that gays should have the right to marry, this does make us smile, because we know that whether it takes one year or twenty the very people who think they have a right to this will be the very reason the court ends up getting this problem and ruling in favor of gays. How deliciously ironic that will be.
Voted in favor of ';Prop 8';, which amended the California Constitution to prohibit gay marriages (text of Prop 8, in its entirety: ';Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid and recognized in California.';)

See also鈥?/a>
We voted to make a constitutional amendment defining marriage as being between one man and one woman. But something tells me you already knew that.
Took back their Constitution and overruled their Supreme Court.
voted to ban gay marriage

The decided to deny Civil Rights to a minority group in hopes that it would make their pathetic lives seem better...
They showed the supreme court who was boss!! ooooh burn!

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