Saturday, January 23, 2010

If you are republican and divorced how do you justify standing in judgment on the gay marriage issue?

You have destroyed what marriage is. Im gay and i believe that if you get married you are to be married to that person for life. And if you think that YOU have some special connection with god that justifies your reason for divorce you are very wrong. You dont its all down in black and white its called the bible read it some time.If you are republican and divorced how do you justify standing in judgment on the gay marriage issue?
First of all how dare you judge. Here you are crying about you being judged and you go off and do the same thing.....

First of all I am a divorced republican. And who are you to say that just because I am Republican that I am against gay marriage. I'm not against it. Not all of us believe in all the little things that Republicans stand for. Yes I do believe in most of them. But I also believe in love and if 2 men want to be together that is fine with me.....

And I cant believe that you bring the bible in to this. You tell us to read it. Why don't you try reading it because in Peter it clearly says that a man being with another man is sin full. Also read up what it said about marriage and divorce. For one thing it said that a man should not take a wife because he should live alone. But if he going to live in sin its better that he marry.

And on divorce, It said that a man can leave his wife with divorce but the wife can not leave her man. But if the man divorces his wife she can remarry. Holy Crap. That is crazy huh.

So you need to chill out dude. Just because I am divorced because my husband left me for a fat girl. and I am republican doesn't mean that I am agents you marrying the man you love.....

P.S. I love gay people. It is not the lifestyle i want for myself, but most of my friends are gay.

The Gay loving Divorce RepublicanIf you are republican and divorced how do you justify standing in judgment on the gay marriage issue?
Awh well thank you. Yep maybe one day i will realize that but right now I am stuck in my ways.

Thanks Again.....

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i read a funny t shirt that says 9 out of 10 conservative divorcees disapprove of gay marriage. [its funny cause they are such big hypocrites!] here is a link below that shows what hypocrites they are!
1) marriage is a legal/social contract. A religious marriage service is a ceremony that celebrates the legal/social contract in a manner of ones own choosing. People get confused and think they have the right to dictate morals for others in the name of their personal religion. They should learn to mind their own business and let others be.

2) The argument that the bible forbids gay marriage or that the government sanctions a lifestyle is the EXACT same argument used to stop and legislate against mixed religion and mixed racial marriages. It was not long ago that these common and not considered normal practices were against the law in many states. It was also legal at the time to keep races out of neighborhoods or hang signs on restaurants, clubs, restrooms that, on the nice side said whites only, on the vile side said no *******, Jews or dogs allowed. It is only a matter of time before same sex marriage is dealt with in the supreme court as a civil liberty issue and made the law of the land. Why, because it is what our country does, it serves up equality and justice and the right way to present liberty to citizens in the end. The current situation is only a moment of time and shall pass like the other moments of bias and prejudice in our countries history.
The gov't sanctions sexual lifestyle all the time. I found out the other day that having anal sex is illegal is SC. So, if I happen to be doing my wife in the pooper, the cops can come kick in our door and arrest us. That's freakin' nuts.

I don't understand how so many people crap all over their marriage vows, the church that they gave them in, and their religion's representative who witnessed them. ';Til death do us part'; seems pretty cut and dry to me. Someone who has divorced certainly shouldn't judge someone else from a religious standpoint. One day they're passing judgment on gay marriage, the next they're playing footsie under an airport bathroom stall.
What is the issue. You have exactly the same marriage rights as any republican. You want special privileges because you are gay. Well, should we extend these privileges to everyone that wants them say the Mormons who believe in polygamy. Also, do we extend the rights of a pedophile because he/she was born that way. It boils down to you want special rights for you group only and that makes you pretty self centered. You owe the republicans and apology.
A Fraud by any other name is a Fraud. I am a divorced Republican I married a Fraud
Maybe they're trying to help you out- they think homosexuality is a sin, so they force you to commit another one by also having sex outside of marriage. Double negatives make it a wash?

Sure, it's a stretch, but not as unreasonable as the thought that gay dudes calling themselves married might somehow affect anyone else's home life.
oh so divorce is destroying what marriage is by your logic? the divorce itself destroys it? or the financial hardships, cheating etc...??? pathetic logic at best.

and what does gay marriage have to do with divorce?


if the government cannot sancation a RELIGION how can it sanction sex acts and LEGITIMIZE Those acts by LEGALLY RECOGNIZING IT when MOST of the American population continues VOTE AGAINST IT?????

so by your logic someone who gets in a car accident can't be against car accidents because it happened to them or it was their fault?

poor logic, pathetic critical thinking skills. go back to 2nd grade billy.

justin: savage isn't gay. don't put your perversion onto others. he's married with children.

thanks for the hate billy! when you take things in *** backwards you see life *** backwards. right billy?
I would think true Cons would follow their own mantra and keep government out of a person's personal life as much as possible.
If you would read it you would find that adultery is an accepteble reson to get a divorce.

The Bible also says that Homosexuals are an abomination to the Lord.
I am a republican and I don't stand in judgement of anyone. Not my job. The old testament frowns upon divorce in most cases. The old testament is before Christ died for us. Things are different in that part of the Bible. Also, homosexuality is against what the Bible says. I think you are the only person judging. If you are gay, married, divorced, straight, liberal, conservative, whatever, more power to you. It takes all kinds to make this great world go round.

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