Saturday, January 23, 2010

What would you take into consideration when dealing with a situation where two needs in a marriage are in ?

conflict? Do you choose the man's need over the woman's most of the time? The other way around? Do you just flip a coin? What would you take into consideration when dealing with a situation where two needs in a marriage are in ?
The woman sometimes needs to use her skills, not in a harmful way but in a way where both are winners, get my drift? ; )What would you take into consideration when dealing with a situation where two needs in a marriage are in ?
Thanks Crone. : )

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dear, i think the best answer may be compromise... its the two of you. in a marriage between the two of you. both of you need to talk and come to a agreement that works for the both of you, not one or the other...

best of luck and blessings.

My dear dear friend,

I will answer you honest and true. When the needs of the two are in conflict, you do what is best for the marriage, for it belongs to both of you.

Love and blessings,

Lady Morgana
You need to be more specific. It depends on who is morally correct.

There is that 1% of situations where both are right, but it's the rare exception.
men and women are very different that's why his needs are not the same, just meet his needs and yours will work out. hard to explain.

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