Friday, January 15, 2010

Why are you for or against gay marriage?

If you are against gay marriage, do have an intelligent, non-religious reason why?Why are you for or against gay marriage?
love is loveWhy are you for or against gay marriage?
I am against gay marriage for one simple reason. marriage is just a vow from one person to another and viceversa. I believe that marriage is a fluke but if someone wants to be married then it should be for the sake of procreation. meaning anyone who can't have kids get the exact same benefits have the legal right to say they are married but not actually be considered marriage. I am not against gays. I am bisexual myself and know many gays and lesbians. I am not religious. I also feel that if gay marriage is legal then we will have riots by religious people. Hate me all you want. But people do you want another ';burning time'' it's only a metter of time before we have a civil war on our hands. the LGBT community as well as minorities will be hunted.
I am against marriage as an example of slavery to the social order. Just because someone likes homosexual sex, this should not stop them from joining any group they choose. However, this can only lead to more weakness and de-evolution of the human animal. The new world order is going to do away with this need as we are all pushed further into wage slavery and no longer able to earn enough to feed ourselves much less live the life of leisure that a civil society requires.
I am indifferent.. I don't like gay people, I would not approve any marriage between homosexual people, but, I am understandable, and I know what love is.. Even if I don't like gay people, I still want them to have possibility to enjoy life like they want, because, we all need to have same chance, even if we don't.
Marriage today is considered part of religion. As such government should not be able to say who marries as it the religions specifically that specify that a man can only marry a woman. Separation of church and state dictates that the govt not listen to the church on the matter however the church is so embedded in government that they fail to see that therefore making gay marriage illegal. Dumb, hypocritical nonsense if you ask me... and you did.
I'm for gay marriage because religious people don't own the tradition. It helps for same sex couples to be recognized so that they can receive pension and insurance benefits. Should one day I get involved with someone serious and we are commited for a long time, I don't want to have either of us suffer because we don;t have the same rights as a hetero couple. And i doubt anyone has a nonreligious reason why they are against because religion is on the front of preventing homosexuals from having rights
I'm not against it. Infact, I feel we are behind times. I feel that millions of cpls are being forced to live in sin b/c they cannot officially get married in holy matrimony in G-d's eyes. I feel that millions of children and would-be spouses are being cheated out of spousal benefits, gov't help(those on disability and such), health benefits and coverage, death rights(like the living partner loses the house and anything else after his/her partner passes), and a bunch of other BS.

As long as the USA has been a nation and as much growing pains as a nation we have gone through; it is shocking that same-sex marriage is still an issue. I am double-appalled about the proposal to nullify the legal marriages in CA that already LEGALLY took place. If this proposal goes through, THOUSANDS of homes, families, their children will be broken and affected as well as disadvantaged from the loss of family rights(like health benefits and and custody which would then be null). Yeah, some ppl on here may say that the cpls will still be together, true. but it wont be the same. Their rights will once again be gone.

Seriously, when has two ppl marrying ever done anything worse than making an inlaw want to vomit? it hasn't killed anybody! I am for gay marriage. We are family units like anyone else, we have morals and values like anyone else, we are spiritual like anyone else and plenty of us have raised products of society(our children). I wish the gov't would stop trying to soil our values.
Marriage is just a legal status and should be allowed all consenting adult American citizens alike. I really think marriage is a dead institution. All it does in my view is allow the church and the state a pie$$ce of your relationship.

I lived 24 years in an un-married relationship and was as much in love as any married couple and more than some.
I think that any two people who are in love have every right to be together and no one should be able to tell them otherwise!!!

Idc if anyone finds it to be weird then they need to GROW UP. It's none of your business who or why someone likes a person it's completely up to them,

All I wonder is, how would you like it if someone judged you because of who you loved?
Personally im not against, i say live and let live, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. But I do see some people's fear that if you let same sex marriage, then the next stop would be multi-spouse marriages, then different spieces, or minors etc.
I support it because gay people human beings just as non gay people are. They are entitled to the same expressions of love and affection and to the same rights and privileges under the law. That's my reasoning plain and simple/
For Civil Unions for straight/gay alike with all the benefits of current marriage and demoting marriage to a religious institution with no benefits but affirming their love to their God.

Separation of Church and State, since all the religious types are this dead set on making Marriage a religious institution.
I'm 4 gay marriages b/c gay people deserve a chance 2 marriage like straight people!
I am for gay marriage because I do not care if anybody else wants to marry one another. It in no way effects me. I encourage everybody to find love.
It's called the harm principle.

Nothing is wrong with any marriage, sexual relationship, as long as nobody gets hurt.
I'm against gay marriage. I don't know, the children grow up with either 2 moms or 2 dads..I would be distressed to know that I have 2 moms or 2 dads! Sorry.
is it possible to be gay and be against gay marriage?
I'm for it because honestly why does it matter so much who you marry, if you're happy then you're happy.
Same reason I think black people should be allowed to get married
I am for it, mainly cause here in America, we are promised EQUAL RIGHTS for ALL!!

Not SOME!! :@)
for- love is love.
i dont mind (i dont like gat kissing ugh) (no offence anyone)
im totally into it. all ppl should b equal, gay straight lesbian trans.... u cant stop love and u cannot force it
nope im totally with it!! :)
I'm for it! Love is love no matter what!
im 4 it...whoever makes u happy...gurl or boy
The world isn't designed for gays and it's a sin defined in the bible so hahaha
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