Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Christians who are against same sex marriage?

How are you different from the Christians in the past who justified slavery, or denied equal rights for women?

1 Timothy 2:11-15

';Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing.';

The bible is not just against homosexuals getting married, as you can see above.Christians who are against same sex marriage?
(11-12) Women are to show submission, and yield to the authority of the men God has appointed to lead in the church.

Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.鈥?/a>Christians who are against same sex marriage?
I'm not going to say anything about the sexism you're implying because I haven't sudied it yet. However I can give you my opinions on gay marriage. In the Bible it clearly states that homosexuality is a blasphemy to God. However, before you hate me, I personally have no right to tell people how they feel. If God deems it as sin than he will provide a way to overcome it and I have no doubt that homosexuality is real. I belive in what these people feel and how they feel towards eachother because they've raised their voice. But that doesn't mean I support it. I'm a Christian and I believe in the Bible.
You know what? Life goes on, the bigger ones lording over the littler ones, but if you look closely, the person who is the most vulnerable is the one who is seemingly strong, and the ones we perceive as weak, can show an indomitable strength.

This world is an illusion. It takes a bigger person to bite their tongue.

I don't quite follow your logic there in the last sentence.
here we go with this again. it means that we should be submitted to what we want to learn.

that verse is about a woman's manor and attitude while learning. don't you think we all should be silent when it comes to learning?

it's very important to learn the history of the verse. sadly people will not look into it though. they will take it out of context like you.
It's funny isn't it?

To see them distance themselves from slavery, yet Christianity fully supported slavery. They fought to keep it like they are fighting against homosexual marriages now.
Let them call it a ';civil contract'; or whatever. Why do they care to call it ';marriage';?
Christians drink Kool-Aid.
Cherry Picking is such a simple phrase but it does the job.
Women are designed by God to do different things in church.They cannot be a pastor,that is what that means.
The New Testament does not jutify slavery or deny rights to women. Women and men are equal but have different biological, social, and spiritual functions.

Women not having the spiritual function of being pastors or spiritual teachers of men does not men that they are inferior to men.

A leader is not superior to the follower. The president ot the US is not better than every other person in the US.

Homosexual conduct is declared by God to be sin in many places in the Bible.

Not everybody has a right to marry the way they want to in the US because of the meaning of marriage in the US. For example, polygamists want to marry more than one spouse but they aren't allowed because of the meaning of marriage in the US. In the Hindu religion people can marry animals. But that is not allowed in teh US. In Rome homosexual relations between a man and a boy were allowed and practiced in pagan temples. But that is not allowed in the US. Are we infringing on the civlil rights of others to not allow these things. No.

Marriage has always been defined in the United States as between a man and a woman. In order for Utah to become a state they had to accept this definition.

And the Bible is quite clear that homosexual sex is sin.

No group has the right to redefine marriage. No activist judge has the right to redefine it.

I'm sorry if their feelings get hurt, but marriage is marriage. I won't call a cat a dog.

They can do what they want in their bedrroms but they can never have a ';real'; marriage because God will never join a man and a man or a woman and a woman in a spiritual union.

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