I'm as conservative and republican as you can get, but don't care if 2 people want to get married. How is that gonna hurt anyone else? Also I am not gay, I love guns,was in the miltary and didn't vote for Obama.Do you personally feel threatened by gay marriage?
Absoluately not, and I believe it is not the job of our Government or Congress to say who and who can't spend the rest of their lives together when in love and wishing to be joined together in marriage!!! I find it very troubling that the divorce rate between men/women this day and age is not more of a ';hot'; topic than same-sex marriage, and which marriages usually produced children that end-up enduring the ultimate suffering. The rate is above alarming.
For the record: I've been married to my husband for 25 years, and have three beautiful children.
I am fine with it as long as they do not teach my kids about it in elementary school. There is debate on whether this will happen or not. Read the following articles and decide for yourself.
Massachusetts was the first state to legalize gay marriage in 2004. Here is a newspaper story about some activity involving teaching gay marriage at an elementary school since gay marriage was legalized:
Shoftly after the California Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in 2008, a classroom of elementary students attended a teacher's lesbian marriage as part of a school field trip.
There is still debate whether parents will be able to opt their children out of activities such as the ones described above. In one of the articles, parents could opt their kids out but in the other article, parents were not able to opt their kids out.
I have been married for 39 years...in a row!...to a wonderful woman. I am a secure enough man that no one else's marriage or other relationship threatens our marriage.
As long as the neighbors close their blinds or curtains, their relationships cannot help or hurt ours.
Those persons who deny gay men and lesbians the same rights as the rest of us remind me of the persons who, for ';religious'; reasons, got some state legislatures decades ago to ban marriages between persons of different races. Made no sense then. Makes no sense now.
No I do not, I say let gay people have all the legal benefits of marriage, except don't call it marriage. A man and man or woman and woman is not the definition of marriage. People who thumbs down this thought are only looking for justication for homosexuals by calling it marriage.
everytime a gay person marries a kid goes gay. atleast thats what those opposed to it want you to think. gay marriage isnt that bad. no more bad then the straight peeps who get divorced. (till death do us part or until someone more attractive comes along) is how it should read.
I want gays to enjoy every legal and social benefit that hetero couples do when they decide to spend their lives together.
But it is not a marriage.
No, not at all. Liza Minelli and David Guest's marriage threatened my marriage FAR more than any gay people have done. Then again, I'm not afraid of gay people.
Yes I do, someone needs to teach the boys of this generation how to be real men and gays will not do that,
nope. i dont mind whatsoever. they aren't bothering me just like straight couples aren't.
Personally, I don't feel threatened at all.
Not even a little.
No. Not one eensy teensy bit.
Not a bit.
Pigs can get married for all I care, as long as they are in love.
Why should I? How could it possibly affect me?
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