That's pretty much telling your god that he doesn't know what's right.How can there be Christians for gay marriage?
Exactly! There can't be. Believers live by God's rules, not our own.
HarmonyHow can there be Christians for gay marriage?
Actually, it's more like telling the translators of English Bibles they don't know what's right. God didn't condemn homosexuality, the translators did. I have yet to see any Bible prior to the 17th century that condemned homosexuality. And having read the Hebrew and Greek, I know that there's no condemnation of it in there. The Hebrew OT does contain reference to same-sex marriage, however.
So Christians who support gay marriage are simply undoing a wrong done by the medieval church.
Sure the bible says that homosexuality is a sin. So is lying, coveting, and putting other things before god. No one is without sin, that's made clear in the bible. Saying that you are christian and support gay marriage just means that you understand that its not your place to judge other people and control their actions. Its God's place. Saying that Homosexuals don't deserve the same rights is like saying that anyone who lies doesn't deserve the same rights, or anyone who covets or takes the lord's name in vain doesn't either. Sure, God knows whats right, but its not the job of people to enforce it. Christ makes that very clear.
This is perhaps the best argument against gay marriage.
Gay marriage doesn't satisfy life's purpose
It is amazing to me the extent that people will go to in order to achieve their personal goals. Take, for example, Prop. 8 that was on the ballot last year. This is the second time the California voters have passed this law, and yet those who fought against Prop. 8 continue to fight against the will of the people.
They keep saying this is a religious issue. That is not true. Everyone needs to answer the question of “What is the purpose of life?” Leaving religion out of the answer, as well as the Bible and personal opinions, there is only one answer that can be given that will satisfy the laws of NATURE. That answer is: “Reproduce yourself and your species.”
Can two female or two male marriage partners conform to this law? No! So, this is not a religious issue alone. It is an issue that defies the laws of nature. The animal, bird, fish, insect, and plant kingdoms all live this law. They reproduce themselves as per nature's laws.
If any of these kingdoms failed to live this law, their kingdom would become extinct in a short period of time. If the plant kingdom failed to live this law, there would be no food for man or animals to eat. We would soon become a dead planet.
Only man wants to defy this law of nature. In so doing, they become destroyers of, rather than contributors to, the human race.
Maybe because they realize that we live in a secular nation and that their religious beliefs, whatever they are, have nothing to do with the fact that denying equal legal rights to same-sex couples is unconstitutional.
Addendum: To those opposed to same-sex marriage - You *do* realize that your personal religious beliefs are not legal justification for violating the Constitution by denying the equal rights granted by the 14th Amendment, right?
Please say some of you understand this...
Addendum II: To those opposed to same-sex marriage - If someone claimed that, because their religion said so, blacks should not have freedom of speech, or that women should not have freedom of religion, would you support this position?
If you wouldn't, why do you support violating the 14th Amendment, but not the 1st?
I'd really like to hear your reasoning behind this.
I guess their logic would be, it's ok for two people to get married if they love each other, but no sex. Because that's what God pretty much says (Leviticus 18:22 Thous shalt not lie with mankind as one would lie with womankind: it is abomination.) One could simply argue by that that everyone is allowed to ';love'; or ';marry'; anyone that they want, but to not ';lie'; with them, or have sex with them, could be what it is. That's what I've been told people's reasonings are. But didn't God also say something along the lines of marriage being a sacred tie between man and woman?
how is anyone supposed to understand the bible? its full of contradictions, like ';a man shall not lay with another man';, yet we are to love one another %26amp; god loves us all.
I find that most christians are hypocrites anyway %26amp; who can blame them, when the bible is so confusing.
those christians who are for gay marriage have their hearts open %26amp; ready to accept people for who they are. If there were not a wide variety of people in this world, it would be a very boring place indeed.
Not all Christians accept the Bible as the inspired Word of God. They recognize that the books collected into the Bible were written by men of a very different era who thought differently than we do today and had different priorities. They love the same God those people did, but they don't accept that all of the things written down by Bronze Age men represent the will of God.
I hope there are some real Christians out there. I have not found any yet as most seem to follow the churches blind dogma and agenda of hate which is not what a real Christian is about. A real one would support same sex marriage as well as transgenders and transsexuals. Like I already said I haven't found one yet. God loves everyone and the ';christian'; churches hate most everyone! Nuff said.
That's like being a Christian and being for any other form of sin, such as murder, lying, thievery etc. its just wrong to be for sin, as Christians we should fight against all sin and do our best to always resist the temptation to commit sin...
answer: there is no such thing! I'm not saying I'm perfect, I'm not saying I'm more of a christian than anyone. But to promote and condone sin is unchristian apostate behavior....if you condone sin youre not a christian....Do I hate gays because I say this NO! Here's the deal If I can't look at a woman lustfully because it causes harm to myself and others (because i see her as an object that can be thrown away when i'm tired of that piece of meat) then Gays can't fudge pack and be right with God eithier why? because it takes away from what is or should be the ultimate goal of live in oeace with God and eachother. I am no better than a gay person of no more worth, But the defference is this I as a christian seek to do God's will and understand why He says certain things are sinful, and why he won't allow certain things to enter his kingdom
Easily. You are extremely arrogant telling people what your shared invisible fairy friend wants. Why not let people do as they wish, and then let your fairy friend give them their just deserts once they die? Why do you have to pretend that you know better than everyone else what it wants, and why do you have to be its enforcer?
I'd say that's pretty much accepting the fact that they live in a world where not everyone agrees on the definition of ';god'; (or even that there is one) -- and that their belief doesn't give them the right to dictate to everyone else how they should believe or behave. It's accepting that no matter what your beliefs about a god are, all human beings deserve equal rights, and that to deny other human beings equal rights because you don't like what they do with their genitals is neither fair nor ';christ-like.';
Your jesus welcomed all and loved all, and left any ';judgement'; to his god in the afterlife...why can't you do the same?
I'd rank those christians who accept gay marriage as infinitely more ';christ-like'; than the bigots who oppose it.
I was raised Christian. I hear you on this question. I myself, don't understand it. I believe in gay marriage. I find it hard to believe God would be against two people loving each other when this world is so full of hate. I don't know if that answers your question, but that is how I feel. I guess I am a ';selective Christian';
Christianity teaches compassion and respect for others, Jesus was never about declaring people unclean (samaritan women, lepers, possessed people etc), he was more about the 'this is what's good, treat other people well, it's their choice' kind of thing.
Besides which, I think only a lunatic could take all of Deuteronomy and the other laws in the old testament literally nowadays and attempt to make other people live by it. How many of you offer burnt offerings on a regular basis here? Or would chop off the hand of a woman if she hits someone in the nuts to help her husband in a fight?
Oh, you mean like how they don't stone their children to death anymore for disobedience (as required), or how they don't kill people for picking up sticks on the Sabbath (also required). Oh, and they don't believe those verses that state that the Earth is fixed at one point in space, with the Sun and stars revolving around it, either! What awful sinners...
you're defining christians by the people. not everyone is correct in their religion. some people believe things that arent apart of their religion. should they still be aloud in that community? thats not for us to say. but just because some christians believe in things that are not apart of their religion doesnt mean the religion itself is wrong- they are wrong. so just dont look at them for an example of that religion.
Not every one that claim to be christian are christian, knowing of Christ and being burn again in Christ are two different things. People that walk in a holy fear and respect for God do not slap him in the face. But seek his righteousness. It is a Christians responsibility to minister the Word of God about sin and the Gospel of Jesus Christ that others may repent and come to the saving Grace of Christ.
the bible is often not taken literally
it says that a woman who is not a virgin on her wedding day must be stoned to death
';If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die.';
';Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her.';
';People who have flat noses, or are blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of God';
';The eating of fat is prohibited forever';
';If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives';
obviously now a days the bible is not taken for every word
it can be interpreted in different ways
So they may not be considered a perfect Christain but they can still be considered one if they still go to church and believe in most of the teachings such as the ten commandments
1. One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
2. One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.
urm no because christians do not follow the paulian doctrines and ignore hlf of the old testement so yes a real christian can be for gay marriage, a paulian hates almost everyone who is not just like them and has no right to call themselves a christian
We don't accept that everything in the Bible comes from God. Anything that causes injustice cannot come from God. And that goes for tithing and giving the choicest cuts of meat to the priests as well.
A true Christian knows that judgment should be left to God's knowledge of good and evil, not that of a false god, even if that god is ';self'; and is named Ego.
I cant judge nobody but that's hypocritical.
Some so called ';Christians'; only believe that part of the
Bible that is convenient for them which I don't believe is right.
yeah, guess you're right
if you disregard half of what your religion is supposed to believe, you're not really in it are you?
and some disagree with that?
Well, that is easy; NOT ALL CHIRISTIANS ARE IGNORANT BIGOTS. Only the really dumb ones are bigots.
Neither is God, by the way.
There is, in reality, no such thing as a Christian Same-Sex Marriage. One may call it that, but it is in name only.
No, that's not putting God into a box... If God's love is unlimited, how can love and commitment between two people be wrong?
Because the Christian god isn't always right. The Christian god is even more cruel than the devil.
I agree.....The Bible mentions how God feels about it only makes sense that he doesn't condone or recognize gay marriages....
Yes and the bible says clearly that homosexuality is FORBIDDEN. Therefore anyone that claims to be a Christian and defends it is only fooling themselves in beleiving they are Christians.
You always claim to be whatever you want but it doesn't make it the truth!
pretty much... one should probably consider themselves half-Christian or something if they're okay with homosexuality and they're Christian
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