Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What are your thoughts on relationships and marriage between different races?

i believe this is becoming more obvious in the modern world...What are your thoughts on relationships and marriage between different races?
I know all about this because I am Asian and my husband is Caucasian. There are many cultural differences that both need to adjust to. When a child is born in a mix race family, it will be normal for them to adopt to the two different cultures; however, sometimes it might be hard for the child to identify clearly what he/she is. When there are more mix race children, I believe there will be less racial discrimination because those children accept the differences as part of normal life. And there will be more respect for different cultures.What are your thoughts on relationships and marriage between different races?
I find that marriages between different races a good thing, but sometimes we come from two different cultures. Two different expectations and the future becomes difficult. But I veiw my wife as purely as a woman, and I love her with all my heart. Sometimes that cultural gap creates a gulf between us difficult to talk.
I think that we all bleed the same blood and we are all made out of the same stuff. Not one person on this planet is racially pure. We all have a little of everything mixed in. Race is a societal classification, nothing more. I do think that we are seeing more mixing of the races as society pulls its head out of its rear and becomes more accepting. It is all good to me.
I notice a lot of people, especially in school, probably do it to look cool. HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT ME I'VE GOT A HISPANIC/ASIAN GIRLFRIEND!

Needless to say, if you really like the person, regardless of what they are, it shouldn't matter in the least. My uncle is married to an Eskimo and my other auntie was married to an Indian, and throughout my life I never really noticed or cared about it.
I think it's great. Love shouldn't halt because of differences in race.

The only difference is the food they grew up eating and the way they were brought up.

Being of hispanic descent myself I try to make sure my kids grow up with knowing about where they came from: their foods and beliefs and celebrations.


I think the babies born of mixed races are cuter too.
Interracial relationships can be tough. They have their challenges because someone somewhere along the line will not be approving. I believe that two people who love each other and are committed in their relationship should be allowed to choose to be together and others should respect their decision.
I think it's great. I haven't ever personally been in a mixed race relationship but that's probably because I married the first guy I fell in love with. (we met at 15, not much time for dating before that! lol)

I am a Caucasian female.
It is more accepted now than what it was in the late 1960s and early 70s. At one time it was illegal, but since those laws have been repealed.

People aren't so hung up about it as well.
I think it is great. And it usually produces healthier children. Genetic diversity is a great thing. Teaching them both cultures/langauges is great for the kids as well
I see nothing wrong with it. i have never done it myself. We all need to do what makes us happy and skin color does not factor in.
It's cool, as long as they are happy. But I would hope if they have children they would teach the child both sides of their family culture.
As long as a couple love each other then the color of their skin isn't important.
it improves the jean pool . so i am for it ..
love is love, i am happy for anyone who finds it.
i want to try it.
What's the problem?

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