i think it's awesome.
i'm doing the same thing, and believe it or not, there are definitely girls out there that are saving themselves too. its really good that you can avoid temptation and it shows that you have really strong morals. What do girls think about a guy who is saving his virginity for marriage? ?
Wow, Col, it looks like the girls really dig it!
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well most of them in India are virgins by the time they get married
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its all personal preference. i currently have a boyfriend and he want's to save sex for marriage and i completly respect that 100%. Many girls who are slutty and just want to have a good time won't respect that, but in your case, that wouldnt be the type of girl that you would deserve. so its all in finding the right girl who will respect your thoughts.
i think it's cool. Actually, I think it's cool either way - saving it and not saving it- but I have a little more awe for guys who are going to save his for marriage since so many guys seem to want to be rid of it. And don't listen to people telling you it's stupid. They have no respect for your beliefs and principles. And you should find a girl who will be able to respect the fact that you're saving it.
In my opinion, it's a fantastic idea. Not many guys nowadays are willing to wait until marriage. If I had a boyfriend who is saving his virginity for marriage, I'd be really happy. Yes, some girls may think it's uncool, and stupid but that's because it's all they think about. It's a good idea. You shouldn't change your mind about it. (:
Answer Mines?
If that is what you want to do, then that's awesome. My boyfriend and I are saving ourselves for marriage, and I really appreciate that he respects himself enough, and respects me enough, to wait until we are married.
its personally up to each indiviual and their morals.
but i am the same way...im waiting for marriage to loose my virginity and im hoping that if one day i marry someone, that they are a virgin too.
I always have a lot of respect for these people. It shows that the guy has a lot of dedication to the right one. So, it's a great thing.
I think it shows an amazing amount of self-respect, and the right girl will see that, and then she'll know that you can respect her too.
Wow... a guy that actually respects his body. I think a guy like you is very strong willed and isn't effected by peer pressure. Good for you!
I think its cool that someone would do that for their future wife/husband. It shows that they are responsible. I'm doin the same thing so ur not the only one!
I think its entirely up to the person, ignore what other people say and stick to your beliefs!
Do what you want, if the girl thinks its weird, shes not the girl for you.
good luck
I think it shows you have a lot of values. Your future wife is lucky to have a husband like you!
Good luck!
I think it shows a girl that you can be very committed to your
beliefs and values. Good for you!
depends on the girl really. i personally don't think its a big deal, but its a good choice
a man with respect and patience
i think its hot....i like a responsibly guy...im going the same thing
Though I am not a girl, I have to advise against you doing this. You want to be good in bed for your eventual wife, and you have to be comfortable with your sexuality. Embrace it - don't fear it.
Well I can tell you from a guys point of view. Why bother? The chances of you finding a virgin to marry in the US are pretty slim.
May do well if she is Amish!
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