Sunday, January 17, 2010

What is the best way to blend incomes and living expenses in a second marriage without hurting one another?

Each has separate financial accounts from day 1 of marriage.

One party has everything major in their name- ie. house, utilities,etc. the other does not.

Each party pays their own bills they make. ie credit cards, medical insurance, car insurance, etc..

Each party has a child each to finish supporting (college-age and high school)

Living expenses incurred to pay - house payment, all utilities, car payments, taxes, home insurance, home repairs, home appliance replacements, groceries, etc.... -

So, Who should pay - Split 50/50 or delegate which is to pay which ?

What is the best way to blend incomes and living expenses in a second marriage without hurting one another?
The most important thing is that both of you think it is fair. Talk to him openly and honestly. Somethings can be kept separately but somethings need to be shared. Good Luck! What is the best way to blend incomes and living expenses in a second marriage without hurting one another?
Put it all in one account (money) and pay the bills that way. It does not matter whose name is on what. Almost all of our bills come in my mane, but my husband is the one that makes twice as much as I do. We pay everything out of one account. And this is as second marriage for both of us.
Pay both your salaries into a joint a/c. Pay all living expenses out of it, including hols, cars etc. If a surplus remains which you think you will not need, pay it out to your selves 50/50. This should continue even if one of you stops earning. You are one flesh now.
I want to know too, I just moved in with my boyfriend and we are trying to figure this out. I have 2 kids and he has 2 kids. We have the same problem. Plus, he makes alot more money than I do so I don't think it's fair if he pays half the expenses.
I am in a second marriage and we have one bank account and we share everything together. When you are married what is his is yours and what is yours is his.
split everything except the child support. you know the system, if you get divorced it doesn't really matter whose mane is on what.
split everything 50/50
i think in any relationship it should be 50/50,and the children should all be treated the same..if your in for the long haul hang on tight and combine your accounts,,peace
I would split it proportionate to income. 50/50 is good if you each make roughly equal amounts of money.
split 50/50
This is how I would do it. You do not *have* to follow, it is only my opinion/suggestion.

Keep those individual accounts, but create a new one EXCLUSIVELY for bills. Decide together how you would like to do it. Even if the major utilities and bills are in one name, if you're both living together, you're both taking advantage of the electricity and water and roof over your head. You should come to an agreement as to how things will be split. If that's not as easy as it sounds (which it happens that way), you could take all the necessary payments per month, pile them together, decide how much of that total is from which side, and make a point to put that much into this new account. Just to be safe (should something suddenly come up) you each put a little extra. It doesn't have to be a major amount. Just a cushion. Anything left from your share goes into your personal account, just as anything from his goes into his personal account.

When deciding total percentages, I would say things like the house payment and utilities be split 50/50. If, for whatever reason, that makes it a little tighter than comfortable for one side and the other side has plenty of 'wriggle room' so to speak, then the other side should offer to pick up some of the slack so that neither of you feels like it has unfairly drained you and you can still retain some of your financial individuality.

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