Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What is required for a successful Marriage?

I am going to get married soon and would like to know what is required for a successful marriage. What is the secret behind staying married to the same person for the whole life? Not only married but be in love with the same person for entire life...What is required for a successful Marriage?
I was married for 24 years...until she asked me for a divorce. i can tell you what will cause a marriage to break apart...will that help?


- think your personal time with your friends is more imprtant than personal time with your spouse.

- belittle her or things that are important to her

- smother her by constantly keeping an eye on her. She needs to feel loved. But, she does not need to feel untrusted.

- communicate by yelling. Communication is important and getting your point across may make you feel better. But, yelling about things will not help.

- forget about what is important to her.

I made some mistakes in my first marriage and eventually lack of communication and the sands of time wore a rift between us that was irreconcileable.

Here is what I do for my fiancee(based upon the errors of the past:

I bring her flowers for no particular reason.

Tell her I love her every day and do my best to make her feel cherrished.

I trust her and I give her her own time and space.

She is her own person and deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. i respect what she tells me an listen to her.

I honor her love for me by being faithful and true to my word.

I do some cheesy romantic things for her.

I try different things with her (like pumpkin carving contests, board games, go to the ballet or opera, we try different recipes, and yes..we even try different monogamous things in our sex life)

Every relationship is different. just keep working at things and roll with the changes. Sex is important. But, its what you do with the other 23 hours and 30 minutes of each day that matters most.What is required for a successful Marriage?
One of the truths is that there is no way to be successful if you expose your marriage to domestic relations laws of any of the states in the USA. Here, successful marriage is an oxymoron.

Marriage for love is a nice fairy tale propagated by those who have the most to gain on those with the most to lose, or the least to gain. It ain't gonna be love for the rest of your life--wake up...but it doesn't need to be war and competition.

Learn a new language, go overseas and marry where governments don't have their noses up your *** and their fingers encircling your ATM card. Make one mistake in this country and learn about eternal punishment for one (albeit large and calculated) mistake.
Marriage is completing one another, nobody is 100% perfect, so what your partner lacks you should fulfill that, Communication is the most important thing,it maybe in regards to anything, normal talks, like and dislikes, SEX, i m putting this bold, cause most of the marriages break cause of sex, besides that, understanding each other is important, affection should be displayed, or else the other person will never know tht u love them or not. Fights and misunderstandings will come and go, but never sleep over the problem, Be humble learn to say i love you, sorry and thank you.
Trust and honesty. After this, it is always making time for each other and taking an interest in each other. Often times, once people get married and settle into life, they get busy with careers, kids, activities and forget about each other. I hear couples say things like, there is just no time to spend together. But remember when you were dating, you had a life too. But you made time to see each other. THis is key. Make sure you make time for each other. Make dates with one another. Make sure to stay interested in each other's lives. When things get rough, remember why you fell in love to begin with.
Communication is a must. When you are happy, sad, or dissapointed you must share your feelings. Be honest about everything. Be faithful. Be loving. Be kind and generous. Share responsibilities cleaning, cooking, bill management. Keep up a good sex life..i know people say its ot important but it is to a point. And top of all ...always remember who you fell in love with and why you fell in love with them. :o). I hope this helps and congrats on your upcoming wedding.
Mutual understanding is the key to a successful marriage life. Rest you have to accept the changes in your upcoming life %26amp; should do some adjustments according to your life.
In my opinion the secret is to stay committed and never give up no matter how you feel at the moment.

Keeping God the center of your life and center of your relationship is helpful too.
communication, lots fo sex, caring for each other and both have to understand that they both have to support each other in thick and thin days, in good and bad days
As a veteran of two failed ones, I prefer to use the term ';least risky'; marriage.

A prenuptial agreement.
if no one file for a divorce you will be married forever! you may not be in love or totally happy doing that period but you will be married !
Trust, Honesty, Communication and Respect !!!

If you have all four there is nothing to fight about.!
Make sure you marry your best friend and try to never go to bed with out settling an argument.







and oh yeah... love
Laughter and a Sense of Humour.
communication is the key, and LOTS of sex

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