you do know what sentient means right. animals may get together but its not as humans have made marriage. so whats up with animals, do you have a secret desire?Why do some religious people keep saying that marriage to animals is next?
that's where their thinking stopped. They can't get past that.Why do some religious people keep saying that marriage to animals is next?
The moral code of a man having sex with a woman was given to us by the bible.
Humans have now shown a total disregard for law and have taken it upon themselves to form relations between man/man woman/woman. It is obvious that the moral code has now been broken and if you break it in one area of sexual sin it is likely that some people will feel the need to go on and break the other areas of the law.
Well as sin is sin is sin.
It is a sin to have sex outside marriage, and marriage should only be between an man and a woman.
Homosexuals are now accepted and can legally marry in some places.
So what will the next step on the ladder of accepted sin be?
Some people cynically wonder if it will be bestiality. As it was accepted in some ancient cultures.
It's really very simple.
Based on the legal system and it's operating principles, if marriage is redefined to permit homosexuals, there is nothing in the law that can prevent all other types of abominable unions.
I won't even ask about your secret desires. So please don't tell.
They are comparing them altogether to make homosexuality sound that much worse. I think they are referring to bestiality and not animals getting married. That's what I noticed anyway. That's if I'm even reading this question right.
Because apparently gay people are just animals and so its the same thing.
I don't really know, I seriously can't wrap my head around the ';logic'; in that argument.
They are trying to justify religious bigotry with secular reasons. Of course, this results in a lot of logical fallacies.
Because it is probably true, Christianly speaking. Most Christians would agree with me. I know that because I talk to many Christians, and I myself am a Christian.
Some people sure act like animals these days.
Because if a man would make sweet love to a man, then he'd prob do it with a, lets say, kangaroo. No?
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