Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Is the Catholic church still against gay marriage?

I know lots of individual Christian churches are really against it, almost to the point of intolerance. But what about the actual Vatican? Do they still take a ';strong stance'; against gay marriage or are they more politically correct in this issue?Is the Catholic church still against gay marriage?
There is no such thing as ';gay marriage'; in the Catholic Church. The Pope has not made an official pronouncement regarding voting for or against civil marriage law.Is the Catholic church still against gay marriage?
%26lt;%26lt;Is the Catholic church still against gay marriage?%26gt;%26gt;

Yes, of course.

%26lt;%26lt;I know lots of individual Christian churches are really against it, almost to the point of intolerance.%26gt;%26gt;

It's not about intolerance. It's about same-sex marriage being a theological impossibility.

%26lt;%26lt;But what about the actual Vatican? Do they still take a ';strong stance'; against gay marriage or are they more politically correct in this issue?%26gt;%26gt;

The Vatican is not interested in being politically correct. The Vatican is interested in being theologically correct.

Yes they are against it theologically and take a strong stance against it. The thing they say is that when one has homosexual tendencies, it is not sinful in itself if you are born that way but the sin is acting upon the urges, arguing that all sex including heterosexual outside the traditional marriage between man and woman is sinful.

That said, Catholics on this issue politically and civilly have not been nearly as vocal as other Christian denominations save the United and Anglican churches. You should take note that the first three of the four countries that have made same sex unions legal, Canada, Spain and Belgium have majority Roman Catholic populations. Senior government officials including the Prime Minister in Canada were Roman Catholic when this legislation came through.


Michael Kelly
The official vatican Web site treats it like gay people are ill. It says: Although the particular inclination of the homosexual person is not a sin, it is a more or less strong tendency ordered toward an intrinsic moral evil; and thus the inclination itself must be seen as an objective disorder.

Therefore special concern and pastoral attention should be directed toward those who have this condition, lest they be led to believe that the living out of this orientation in homosexual activity is a morally acceptable option. It is not.
The catechism of the catholic church accepts that people are born gay as opposed to choose it; however, they state that gays should remain celibate as the sex they would have is against God. By remaining celibate, they do not sin and can still get into heaven.

To answer your question more directly, they are also opposed to gay marriage.
Potion #9,

The Vatican is still against gay marriage, and probably will be forever. During Vatican II (1960-1965), the Church did a lot of discussing about homosexuality, and a good 90% of the council decided to take a very conservative stance on it and condemn it outright. The common outlook on gays in the Catholic Church is that they are ';living a life of sin';, and this is what I have heard from several priests as well as religious figures from EWTN....

I really wish that the Catholic Church would get over gay marriage and let it be. I also wish they would allow female priests and allow male priests to get married. But then again, I am a VERY liberal Catholic myself. I hope this helped! :)
Yup, we just talked about this in class today, the reason they are against it is because they can't get married in the eyes of the church because they have no point to reproduce, since two males or two females can't reproduce. Whcih is what they think God gave us sexual organs for. I';m not saying I agree with these views, but that is according to the Church.

The Catholic Church believes that God himself is the author of marriage and has created it for one man and one woman.

The Church further teaches that being homosexual is not a sin but that all single people (heterosexual and homosexual) are called to celibacy.

What civil governments decide to do is up to their citizens and the constitution of the country.

But the Church has a commission from Jesus Christ to ';Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, ... teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.';

In obedience to this command, the Church has been telling world governments what it believes is right and wrong since the time of the Romans.

For more information, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church:

About marriage, section 1601 and following:鈥?/a>

About homosexuality. section 2357 and following:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

With love in Christ.
several catholic organizations campaigned to ban gay marriage

edit: FROG .. regardless if ';god'; thinks its a sin,... christians have no business campaigning against the equal rights of an entire group of people....if ';god'; want to deal with it, then so be it

I'm pretty sure Catholics believe marriage is a bond that should only be shared between a man and a woman. Catholics as individuals, however, are often very open-minded and ';politically correct'; on this issue (from my experience, at least).
The Catholic Church recognises that Marraige as intended by God can only be between man and women.

It holds that homosexual activity is a mortal sin that seperates man from friendship with God.

Being Gay is not a sin, acting on that is.
The catholic church has always been against everything and anything that allows free will to triumph over ';Gods will'; including;


Gay Marriage.

Birth control (chemical and prophylactic).

Life extending measures in hospitals.

And many more...
More important than the Catholic Church is that God is against homosexual is a sin.

If any church ';caves'; in to the pressure of the world and accepts any sin as normal...that church is corrupted and not of God.
No actually they have a ';we don't care stance';, they made a statement recently after prop 8.

but, that was the Church as for actual Catholics, I have no idea.
Yes, they are strongly against it. In fact, Cardinal Brady in Ireland came out the other day and stated that Ireland's plan for civil unions for same sex couples would undermine marriage.

He's a tool.
Yes, the Catholic church discourages anything that could prevent the birth of children. They do not condemn people for being gay, so long as they don't ';act'; on it. Backwards huh?
Well, considering the Bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin, I would think that the church is still against gay marriage.
The catholic church is very much against gay marriage. In fact, the Knights of Columbus ( a fraternal organization within the Catholic church) provided a significant percentage of funding to back prop 8 in CA.
As long as the catholics believe the bible then they will also believe that gay marriage is a sin. Which it is.
More strongly against it than they are child molesting priests which are just a minor annoyance and only if caught.

Prety much every reliegon is against gay marriage
The catholic church will ALWAYS be against gay marriage
It seems to be divided, honestly. I can't generalize, so I'll just say some are against, some are not.
Yes they are still against it!

politically correct my butt!

gay marriage is WRONG!
i think so, i wouldn't know.... even thought i am catholic
If not they better change their 2000 year old beliefs and get with the times, huh?
Of course.
Of course.
i think so could be wrong though

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