Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why do some people have a problem with Miss California's stance on Gay marriage?

i thought there is such a thing as freedom of speech and opinion, why is she being demonised for expressing her opinions?Why do some people have a problem with Miss California's stance on Gay marriage?
She is allowed to have an honest opinion, but we are allowed to have an honest reaction.

I do not react positively to people who think I do not deserve an equal place in this country - nor should I.Why do some people have a problem with Miss California's stance on Gay marriage?
i think it is absolutely horrible and everyone who is launching personal attacks at this poor woman should be ashamed of themselves. i am in a heterosexual marriage but i am completely in favor of gay marriage, so i totally disagree with what she said BUT i leave it at that, i'm not going to attack her sexuality, her heart, her mind... the list goes on and on it is inexcusable and i sincerely hope she sues some of these people for slander and defamation of character
I do not have an issue with free speech. I think P Hilton opened himself up for some disappointment by asking the question. I too was also disappointed by the answer, mostly because this is a young woman who has grown up in a time with a lot less prejudice against LG BT people, so it was a bit surprising. I wonder what the basis for her opinion was (religion, parents, etc).

What I would advocate is not such a confrontational approach to SSM, but to teach others about the positive affects of ALL committed families and couples.

What you hear from most of those against SSM is, ';I believe a marriage is between a man and a woman';. It is fair to challenge this. Many will say its the best environment for children. This can also be challenged - what about households with no kids? what about healthy SSM family units with kids?

I think a lot of the religious and secular arguments fall flat when there is much evidence relating to divorce, abuse, neglect, and basically lack of commitment to the spouse in ';traditional'; marriage.
Okay, so Hitler's stance on Jews was that they needed to be killed off. It was his opinion. Why do some people have a problem with it? It's some peoples opinion that her opinion is stupid.

No one's putting her in prison because of what she says, are they? People are just saying they don't like her opinion.

She's supposed to represent California, which is known for gay rights. Who wants her as a representative?

It's good that she didn't win because of what she said. If she had said interracial marriage shouldn't be allowed, would she have been criticized? Yes.
She should be allowed to speak her opinion in an honest manner, but what I think people have the problem with is that she doesn't believe in equality among her fellow citizens. I don't agree with her opinion at all and it makes me sick that people are still discriminating against people b/c of their ancient religious writings and belief system. Gay ppl should have all the same rights as anyone else in this country. Plain and simple. It's time to get rid of the predjudice against them and see them as equal human beings.
Thats the whole problem. She was asked an opinion.

Not everyone likes opinions...especialy on such a hot button topic like gay marriage.

If she answered either way she was screwed. She was bound to piss-off the straight community or the gay community. It was really a NO WIN type of question.

MY OPINION is that they should not be allowed to ask such opinionated questions.
She's a beauty contestant, I don't really care what her opinions are. Why is the media acting like the Miss USA contest is even important?

She has free speech and she used it. I have free speech and I think she's an idiot if she actually thinks that in America, ';you can choose same-sex marriage';. No, stupid, only in 4 states.
It is because of the way she said it, not her opinion. My own opinion is probably worse than hers but it is because america is meant to be (especially cali) 'land of the free', aka San fran being nearly the homosexual capital of the world (under Brighton, england). So maybe that's why americans got pissed off.
Because those people disagree with her opinion. Freedom of Speech also give all those people the freedom to speak out against her and her opinion.

I disagree with her too, I think she is mistaken and misguided. All people in the US - even gay couples - deserve Equal Rights.
Probably because it was said in a beauty pageant, and young girls might be influenced by the beautiful Ms Cali girl said it

The reality is, she's entitled to her opinion, even If I disagree with it.

I think marriage should be banned for everyone
I love it. I agree 100% with her. And in the process, everyone gets to see a liberal's true colors and just how unhinged they really are: If someone has an opinion counter to theirs, tear him/her to shreds with vile personal attacks. Nice.
It isn't her stance that people have a problem with. Everyone is entitled their own opinion. It is what she said and how she said it. It could have been handled differently but I guess we all make mistakes and people should let it go. I have.
Freedom of speech you suggest,

Change the subject from gays to blacks and see how much freedom she would have.

What if she was to support child brides, would you simply says that is freedom to speak?
Because in case you haven't noticed homophobia is looked down upon nowadays. She was rude and has no right.;鈥?/a>
People shouldn't be mad at her, everyone has the right to an opinion and if she doesn't agree with Gay marriage then she should answer the question honestly LIKE SHE DID. SO I think it's great she has her own views. :)
Because her opinion disgusts them as they dont like imagining two guys caressing each other.
Because her opinions are bad

I have the freedom of speech to say we should throw live babies into trash compactors, that doesn't mean people should applaud and respect my opinion if I do
because people don't agree with her.


i don't like her answer or her reason (i'm raised by homophobes too) but its her opinion and i don't think peopel should hate her for it.
I just have a problem with idiots. Who does that dumb broad think she is?
Because when one person is oppressed, we all are.
makes news for the media. she is absolutely correct. good for her.
She was polite, but the gay Perez Hilton was not

shows a lot how they act
i know right!

she can says what she wants to say

i agree with her i dont support gay marriage too

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